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Communication Skills

We offer in-person, virtual and hybrid trainings of varying lengths and commitment levels, designed to expand and sharpen your communication skills for a more successful career. Explore our offerings!

In-person, virtual, or hybrid Single Session Topics

CORE: Base Communication Essentials


Our core Communication Learning Experience with 15 years of success is a highly impactful experience for entry-level to C-Suite designed to give you the skills and confidence to take your career to the next level.

CORE: Ascent Communication Essentials


The next stage after CORE: Base. Build on what you’ve learned, take engagement to the next level, and climb closer to mastery.​

Communicate With Slides


No matter the scenario, slide presentations are an essential tool to communicate important information to your audience. Let the deck support you... not the other way around.​

Collaborative Negotiation


Negotiation can feel intimidating, but it’s a critical skill for building long-lasting and valuable business relationships. Learn negotiation skills to create value and ​develop a reputation for fairness.​

Communication Essentials For Women


Be heard. Better navigate the unique challenges facing ​females and realize your full potential.​

Engage With Stories


Leverage storytelling and interactivity to deliver messages that stick...and motivate your audience to take action.

Get Your Story Straight


Craft a company narrative that every team member can ​get behind and articulate – in their own authentic way.​​

Media Training


Thought leadership. Brand ambassadorship. The ​definition of “media-facing” keeps broadening – ​industry events, firesides, interviews, podcasts, panels, ​social. This program will help you face the media with confidence and tact.​

Black Leadership


Show up at work authentically and powerfully in a way ​that drives positive change, paves the way for the next generation ​of Black leaders, and fosters inclusive practices in your organization.​

Train The Trainer


Bring our unique, trademarked methodology — honed ​over 25 years – in-house to your organization! Through our ​intensive Train The Trainer (T3) program, your facilitators will ​ learn the secrets to become certified to deliver select modules ​from our foundational communication training.​

Facilitator Training


Up-level your facilitators to up-level everyone in your organization – with the proven techniques that LifeHikes® Coaches use to empower high-performing teams around the globe.​

Executive Presence


Master the magic formula to gain respect, forge stronger relationships, and increase your influence during any meeting or presentation, at any stage of your career. Discover expert strategies (and science!) to overcome fear and position yourself as an invaluable leader.

Connect First


Authenticity leads to trust, trust fosters connection, and connection inspires action. Learn the skills to build authentic connections with your audience, whether you’re communicating with a colleague, manager, direct report, prospective client, or anyone in between.​

Dynamic Delivery


As the saying goes, “content is king.” And when it comes to communication — ​both in-person and virtual — your tone of voice, body language, and delivery greatly impact if your content will stick. You’ll learn to influence your audience by stretching your voice, changing your tone, and shifting your movement in subtle but powerful ways.

Be Memorable


Your co-workers and customers are bombarded with hundreds of messages on a daily basis. So how can you guarantee that your message stands out? You’ll discover how to build stronger connections, bring data to life, and communicate in ways that ensure your message hits its target. ​​

Engage Your Audience


When you feel like you’re part of something, suddenly it matters more. You pay attention. You remember. You take action. When your colleagues and clients truly feel engaged, you’ll earn trust and inspire follow-through. Discover expert strategies to ensure that everyone at the table has a voice – and is heard! Gauge comprehension, read and react in real time, and create conversations that drive results.​

Hybrid Meeting Crash Course


The shift to a distributed workforce is here to stay – and hybrid meetings have become the new norm. Ensuring these meetings are effective and engaging is a huge challenge. In this session, learn how to prepare and navigate hybrid meetings so you build inclusive environments, keep in-room and online participants engaged, and help all your stakeholders thrive – no matter where they’re working.​

Collaborate In Hybrid Teams


Being spread out shouldn’t mean being siloed. Take your hybrid meetings to the next level by fostering an environment for creative brainstorming and problem-solving. You’ll come away with transformative tools to increase engagement and alignment on your goals.

Powerfully Concise & Better Questions


The secret to more powerful and productive conversations? Talk less! Great communicators spend most of their time seeking to understand by actively listening and digging beneath the surface. In this session, you’ll learn how to read your audience and ask the right questions to drive your conversation, meeting, or presentation forward.​

Open & Close With Purpose


You can craft the most compelling opening line, but if you don’t close with purpose, will anyone follow through? Conversely, you might have an inspiring close, but if you didn’t capture attention at the beginning, will anyone hear you? Your opening and closing moments impact how you’re perceived and whether your listeners focus or fade away. Learn exactly how to hook your listeners, establish credibility, and craft a captivating story that inspires action.​​

Present Powerfully With Slides


Let the deck serve you, not the other way around. Slide presentations can be essential for meetings, pitches, demos, and more, but delivering a slide presentation effectively — one that engages and inspires, not distracts and bores – requires more than just a few pictures and graphs. You’ll discover expert communication techniques AND effective slide presentation skills to deliver more confident, compelling, and memorable presentations... both virtually and in person. ​

Map Out Meetings


Stop the meeting madness! Scrap the boilerplate agenda and make your meetings more effective and efficient by mapping them out backwards. Learn how a “product-driven goals” framework shapes your agenda, determines who should attend, and what you will achieve. Get more done more quickly, make room for a lot more happiness, and permanently delete “Why am I in this meeting?” once and for all from chat.

C-Suite Conversations


Imagine-you’ve just been asked to present your latest idea to the executive team. It might be next month; it might be next week; it might be... tomorrow. After your initial reaction subsides (panic? excitement?), what will you do to prepare? Discover mindsets and techniques to help you stand out in front of any senior audience (internal or external), persuade them to take action, and handle challenging questions and objections. You’ll be prepared to confidently communicate your ideas to audiences of any seniority level... any time.

Managing Up


How you interact and connect with your manager can make or break your work experience. Position yourself as an all-star employee by taking initiative, getting your ideas across clearly and concisely, and anticipating your manager’s needs. You'll come away from this session with tools to optimize your relationship with your manager – and flourish in the organization.

Ace The Interview


High performance companies have one thing in common: they hold onto their high-performing employees. Prepare your HIPOs to shine in internal interviews by giving them new mindsets and techniques to optimize prep, create a powerful first impression, communicate their value, and confidently answer any question to position themselves as top candidates.

Discussing Black Leadership


This session provides a space to reflect on certain challenges and opportunities that Black professionals may face in their careers and to develop practical tools that will leverage their strengths to broaden personal and collective impact. This training is a catalyst for professionals who seek to show up at work authentically and powerfully in a way that drives positive change, paves the way for the next generation of Black leaders, and fosters inclusive practices in their organizations.

Own Your Power - Women Leadership


​Have you ever stayed quiet in a meeting, shied away from asking for a raise, or felt like your ideas weren’t being heard equally? We’ll share actionable strategies to shift your mindset, let go of self-doubt, and realize your full potential. In this session, created exclusively for women, you’ll be empowered to speak with strength, lead with confidence, and own your accomplishments in an assertive yet approachable way.​

Do you want training on a topic not listed here?

Virtual Programs With Measurable Assessments, Interactive Technology & Team-Based Learning

Own The Room Communication Gateway Hike

The famous Own The Room experience. No matter your job function, seniority level, or industry, clear and convincing communication is fundamental to success. You will master the most important competencies in communication while having a lot of fun along the way!

Do you want training on a topic not listed here?

Multi-Session Programs with Technology & Skill Measurement

Own The Room Communication Gateway Hike

The famous Own The Room experience. No matter your job function, seniority level, or industry, clear and convincing communication is fundamental to success. You will master the most important competencies in communication while having a lot of fun along the way!

Do you want training on a topic not listed here?

Taking Your Business To The Next Level

Team-based learning to help your business thrive. Our expert team is ready to partner with you to achieve extraordinary results.


Hear from our clients

“Improving your ability to communicate will increase your potential to have impact on the world, no matter what you do. LifeHikes will show you how — and they’ll make it fun.”


Co-Founder, LinkedIn

“In the first fifteen minutes of the virtual training, I learned more than a year working with an international communication organization. I didn’t know what to expect at first, but I was really impressed by the quality of the teaching and the use of technology to involve myself and the other attendees.”​


Founder and CEO, Cloud Custom​

“I thoroughly enjoyed the class and learned a great deal. I’ve already started employing some of the elements that I learned and look forward to using them on the “big stage”. I have taken a number of presentation/ public speaking classes throughout my long career and this one was by far the best.”

Marie Laxague Rosecrans

SVP of Marketing, Salesforce

Ready to Have World-Class Communication Skills?

© 2023 Blue Planet Training, Inc. DBA LifeHikes. All rights reserved.