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Ian Rennie

Fun Fact

"I once read .. 'having another language gives you another soul'.. I learned Portuguese. I became a Scot with the Brazilian soul. To those with 3, or 4 or more.. WOW I am in awe of you."

Favorite Learning Resource

Maurice and Ebeth. (Ma n Pa), Molly and Heidi and their inspirational learning capacity, The natural world, Competitive Sport, Exercise, LifeHikes Community, Brasil

Areas of Expertise

Communication Training, Big Corporate Governance, Fast Moving Logistics, International Assignments, Public Health Services, Industrial Relations, Business Performance Transformations, ‘Being’ the Culture

Fluent Languages

English & Portuguese

Meet Ian Rennie

Based in Farnborough, United Kingdom

Ian’s early career – factory floors, truck yards, production lines – delivered diverse people challenges and encouraged his personal growth. ‘Connect with people, respect their opinions, engage with their needs’ is counsel Ian considers fundamental in successful outcomes with his colleagues, customers and suppliers alike.

After graduating with an Honors Degree in Human Physiology from the University of Aberdeen, Ian began a career in supply chain leadership, working with GlaxoSmithKline, The Linde Group, and global customers like Tesco, Walmart/Asda and Marks and Spencer. Ian spent 12 years leading businesses with GIST in the UK, initially running large operating sites of c500 employees, latterly growing sales and strengthening key customer relationships. Prior to joining LifeHikes®, Ian served as the Head of Global Governance at the Linde Group, working in both Brazil and the UK. He led a $2B transport best practice team and managed employee engagement, efficiency, service excellence and safety standards for a distributed team across 70 countries. Ian is Lean Sigma Trained and fluent in English and Portuguese.

When he’s not training leaders around the world, Ian chases his passion for sports and the outdoors. He says recent highlights include 2 years of veteran soccer in Brazil, reaching scratch handicap in golf, and riding his way up and down beautiful mountain scenery with a peloton of pals in his native Scotland. Ian draws inspiration and pride in equal measure from his two daughters, one in medical school and one pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at his alma mater.

"Ian was amazing, crisp, understandable, vivid, practice-oriented, funny, focused, valuable - every single second worth."

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